To add certain pricing for different journey lengths, go Settings -> Pricing -> Meter

The table of prices will always have a starting value of 0 and an upper value of 9999. This means that you will never have a mile which is not accounted for.

To add a new mileage pricing, simply press 'Add Mileage Pricing'. You will see the 'From' value of the highest field already in the table. You should then add the 'To' mile, and the rate at which you would like to charge.

Once you have added it, it will be displayed in the table.

Once the tiers have been created, you are able to edit the rate, but not the mile values.

In this example, 0 to 1 mile will cost £3, 1-2 mile will cost £2, 2-5 miles will cost £1.50, and the rest (5 to 9999 miles) will cost £1